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URAC Webinar: Solving Medication Management, A Team-Based Approach, Nov. 13, 12:00PM

Martedì Nov 13, 2012 12:00 pm EST

 Tuesday, November 13, 2012 (12pm - 1:30pm US/Eastern)Webinar Click here to register for this webinar Join URAC on November 13, 2012, as their faculty discusses ideas that will stimulate you and your team to focus on strategies that will improve your adherence in your patients.  Program Objectives - Discuss barriers to medication adherence. - Learn about tools that help measure adherence as well those that are available to assist consumers in improving adherence. - Share strategies that providers and payers can implement.  Our Webinar Will Answer These Questions - What impact does limited to access to care have on medication adherence? - How is quality affected by medication non-adherence? - How does medication non-adherence escalate healthcare costs? - What role does the consumer have in adhering to treatment for chronic medical conditions? - How can the multidisciplinary care team work together to address medication non-adherence? - What barriers exist that can be broken down in order to solve medication non-adherence?  Faculty Amanda Brummel, PharmD, Director, Clinical Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Certified Pharmaceutical Care Pharmacist with Fairview Pharmacy Services, LLC Lynne Fiscus, MD, MPH, Medical Director with Fairview Clinics, Egan, MN Leanne Roggemam, Director of Nursing Services from Fairview Clinics  Who Should Attend:Physicians Nurse Practitioners Physician Assistants Pharmacists Case Managers Social Workers Quality Improvement Professionals Behavioral Health Professionals Managed Care Directors Benefit Design Professionals Practice Management Professionals Patient Centered Medical Home Consultants

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