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CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Program - North Carolina

Program Location: 
Raleigh, NC
Number of Practices: 
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Division of Medical Assistance (DMA)
Office of Rural Health and Community Care (ORHCC)

North Carolina will be working with pediatric and family practices within Community Care of North Carolina to build on a strong public-private partnership that has documented successes in quality improvement, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of care for more than 14 years. North Carolina, via the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) and the Office of Rural Health and Community Care (ORHCC), was awarded 9.2 million dollars to work on three of the five categories of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant; A, C and D. The grant projects as outlined in the statute will:

(A) experiment with and evaluate the use of new and existing measures of quality for children;

(B) promote the use of health information technology (HIT) for the delivery of care for children;

(C) evaluate provider-based models to improve the delivery of care; (D) demonstrate the impact of model pediatric EHRs; and (E) create targeted models to demonstrate their impact on health, quality, and cost.

Other Outcomes: 

Academic Pediatrics (May 2015) study sample includes 33,895 publicly insured children attributed to 32 practices

  • no statistically significant association between medical homeness and receipt of well-child visit
  • no statistically significant association between nonurgent, preventable, or avoidable ED visits and medical homeness
Last updated April 2015
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