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Multi-Stakeholder Demonstrations

Patients at Heart of Health Care Decision

Theme of Recent PCPCC Conference

It was another reminder that patients lie at the heart of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH), a theme considered so important that the one-day meeting devoted an entire segment to it.  The need to engage patients and their families in making decisions about their health care emerged as a unifying theme that tied together disparate parts of the most recent Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) conference in Chicago on Oct. 25.

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Upcoming PCPCC Webinar : PCMH Behavioral Health Integration - Screening for Depression - November 15th, 2012 1:00pm EST

2012-11-15 13:00

Behavioral Health Integration in the Medical Home - Screening for DepressionThursday, November 15th, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ESTREGISTER FOR FREE HEREDepression screening is an important element of behavioral health integration in the patient-centered medical home. Learn more about how this process has been successfully implemented and managed across a spectrum of patient populations - from teens to adults to medicare-eligibles - in this free and informative webinar from 1:00-2:30pm on Thursday, November 15, brought to you by the PCPCC Behavioral Health Special Interest Group.

Announcement Type: 

Better primary care saves Colorado $20 million

An experiment to ensure that complex Medicaid patients have a regular doctor and care coordinators who can help them stay healthy has saved Colorado an estimated $20 million in its first year, according to a new report from Colorado’s Medicaid managers.“We’re very happy that it’s moving in the right direction,” said Laurel Karabatsos, director of health programs for the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF).So far, about 20 percent of Colorado’s more than 600,000 Medicaid clients are enrolled in the program called the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC).

News Author: 
Katie Kerwin McCrimmon

Joint Commission: Primary Care Medical Home - Ambulatory Pre-Conference - Nov 7th

2012-11-07 22:01

Primary Care Medical Home - Ambulatory Pre-Conference - 11/7Date: 11/7/2012Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Location:Doubletree Hotel Oak Brook1909 Spring Rd.Oak Brook, IL 60523United States The Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources2012 Annual Ambulatory Care Conference Preconference SessionThe Joint Commission’s Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) Certification OptionBack By Popular Demand!

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Primary Care Progress Campaign: Voices for Primary Care

2012-10-19 18:28

Primary care has been grasping for a voice in the conversation. It’s silenced in medical schools. It’s ostracized in society. It’s undervalued by the financial powers that be and our system of health care payment. What does primary care WANT to say? What does primary care NEED to say at this historic moment? Primary care needs a voice – it needs your voice. What should the media, the health care system, payers, Congress, medical educators know about the true value of primary care?  

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Job Announcement for AAFP: PCMH Strategist

2012-09-20 11:54

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANSPOSITION OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTDATE:  September 13, 2012POSITION:  PCMH Strategist/Grade P6 (Job #46-12)                       Center for Quality Department                      Practice Advancement Division                      Supervisor:  Heather BrungardtHOURS:  Monday - Friday, 37.50 hours per week.

Announcement Type: 

NASHP Seeks Applications for Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative - Deadline Oct 31st

2012-10-31 10:06

NASHP Seeks Applications for Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative; No Application Needed for States Chosen for State Innovation Model InitiativeDeadline: October 31A new NASHP learning collaborative supported by The Commonwealth Fund that will provide 18 months of individual and group technical assistance for up to four states seeking to implement a multi-payer medical home initiative. In addition to these four states, NASHP invites states selected for State Innovations Model (SIM) design awards to join in the group technical assistance portion of the learning collaborative.

Announcement Type: 

PCMH model a success to be reckoned with according to PCPCC report

A new health report released by the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) documents the adoption of the patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) in the U.S.


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