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A strategic priority for the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is to increase the expansion of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) throughout Ohio. The ODH is leading a statewide expansion of the PCMH in order to 1) control costs and ensure healthcare in Ohio is affordable, 2) improve health outcomes and 3) enhance the patient experience. The Patient Centered Medical Home Education Pilot Project was authorized by HB 198 of the 128th Ohio General Assembly. ODH’s first major step in implementing this pilot program was the establishment of the Ohio Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (OPCPCC). The OPCPCC is a coalition of primary care providers, insurers, employers, consumer advocates, government officials and public health professionals who came together to support a more effective and efficient model of healthcare delivery in Ohio. Care in a PCMH is foundational to all of Ohio's health improvement initiatives including the Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) initiative, State Innovation grant, dual eligibles program, and health homes program. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$16.8 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Humana medical home program - Cleveland Clinic

This program is offered to practices that are either patient-centered medical home (PCMH) certified or in the certification process. These practices must meet HEDIS and clinical initiative targets and have made progress addressing some of the requirements necessary to transform their practice in order to become successful population health managers. For example PCMH program participants have implemented electronic medical records and likely use electronic prescribing systems. Additionally, they have made other infrastructure changes, including the use of a care coordinator in the practice.

Humana medical home program - Providence Medical Group

This program is offered to practices that are either patient-centered medical home (PCMH) certified or in the certification process. These practices must meet HEDIS and clinical initiative targets and have made progress addressing some of the requirements necessary to transform their practice in order to become successful population health managers. For example PCMH program participants have implemented electronic medical records and likely use electronic prescribing systems. Additionally, they have made other infrastructure changes, including the use of a care coordinator in the practice.

Leveraging Multiple State Data Sources to Drive Improvement in Population Health Outcomes

2014-07-10 15:30 - 17:00

States have a variety of metrics and data sources that potentially can be used to assess and improve population health outcomes. In order to maximize this potential, states need effective strategies to collect, analyze, integrate, and use data from various sources, and to share it across multiple agencies and health care organizations for activities that drive improvement for all populations. This webinar will feature an overview of provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that place new emphasis on data to promote health equity and improve health outcomes.

Announcement Type: 

Ohio Health Care Collaborative - AF4Q

Cincinnati Aligning Forces for Quality (Cincinnati AF4Q) is led by the Health Collaborative. Established in 1992, the Health Collaborative is a diverse coalition of health care stakeholders representing the hospital, physician, employer, insurer, government, education and consumer sectors. Its mission is to stimulate significant and measurable improvement in the health status of the people in Greater Cincinnati through collaborative leadership. 

Integrated Care Delivery System (ICDS)- Ohio

Ohio signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CMS on 12/11/2012. In collaboration with CMS, Ohio will extend coordinated care to its dual eligible population through an Integrated Care Delivery System (ICDS).

Enhanced Personal Health Care Program - Ohio

The Enhanced Personal Health Care Program empowers primary care physicians (PCPs) to engage in comprehensive primary care functions that move toward a coordinated, evidence-based care model that has the greatest impact on achieving the triple aim of improved quality, patient experience and affordability.  

This Program:  

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care Program - University Hospitals

Cigna and University Hospitals Accountable Care Organization (UHACO) have launched a collaborative accountable care initiative to enhance care coordination and achieve the “triple aim” of improved health, affordability and patient experience for Cigna customers.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care Program - Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians

Under the program, Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians (one of the largest physician-owned primary care medical groups in the United States, serving Columbus and other central Ohio communities), monitors and coordinates all aspects of an individual's medical care. Patients continue to go to their current physician and automatically receive the benefits of the program. Individuals who are enrolled in a Cigna health plan and later choose to seek care from a doctor in the medical group will also have access to the benefits of the program.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care Program - Mount Carmel Health Partners

Under the program,  Mount Carmel Health Partners (a comprehensive integrated delivery system in Columbus), monitors and coordinates all aspects of an individual's medical care. Patients continue to go to their current physician and automatically receive the benefits of the program. Individuals who are enrolled in a Cigna health plan and later choose to seek care from a doctor in the medical group will also have access to the benefits of the program. There are no changes in any plan requirements regarding referrals to specialists.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care Program - Cleveland Clinic

Under the program, Cleveland Clinic (a nonprofit multispecialty academic medical center that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education), monitors and coordinates all aspects of an individual's medical care. Patients continue to go to their current physician and automatically receive the benefits of the program. Individuals who are enrolled in a Cigna health plan and later choose to seek care from a doctor in the medical group will also have access to the benefits of the program. There are no changes in any plan requirements regarding referrals to specialists.


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