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Take value-based care beyond just financial rewards

For value-based payment programs to succeed, insurers must provide incentives for providers that involve more than financial rewards. That's because a wide range of factors, including intrinsic motivation and medical professionalism, influence provider behavior, according to a new blog post from the Commonwealth Fund.

Doctors often have innate interests in or enjoyment of certain activities that can serve as strong incentives to perform their best. Plus, their sense of professionalism and their desire to help people can motivate them to provide the best care possible.

Organizational influences are another factor insurers can use to encourage provider participation in value-based payment programs. Each organization's culture, management style and structure, including how appointments are scheduled and what resources are available, can help compel providers to deliver high-quality care, notes the Commonwealth Fund.

Lastly, insurers can make use of policies to affect providers' decision-making. Whether federal, state or local, policies drive what services are paid for and what type of service each medical professional can provide.

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