The first statewide PCMH program, the Delaware Patient Centered Medical Home Initiative, is a pilot set up by the Medical Society of Delaware and Highmark Delaware (expanding from 20 practices to 90 practices heading into its second year). In September of 2013, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware (Highmark Delaware), MedNet (a subsidiary of the Medical Society of Delaware), and the four Physician Organizations (POs) in Delaware signed a Letter of Intent to establish an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in Delaware.
Although there is no formal Medicaid PCMH program in the State, Delaware's Quaified Health Plan (QHP) requirements include that "Issuers are required to participate in state quality improvement workgroups intended to standardize QHP quality improvement strategies, activities, metrics and operations, including payment structures to improve health outcomes, medical home models and technology and data analytics to support coordination and improved quality and outcomes."
Delaware's State Implementation grant to Improve Services to Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) is supporting the development of medical homes for CYSHCN.