Ask any sports coach about working with a team, and they will tell you there are many considerations, including which skill sets to assemble and how to manage and motivate a group of people toward a common goal. Team-based care is one of the Shared Principles of Primary Care, PCC’s vision for advanced primary care, which more than 350 organizations have embraced, and a necessary feature to achieve comprehensiveness and equity, among other principles. In a practice setting, leaders need to assess how a team meets patients’ needs and consider related logistical, infrastructure and payment frameworks. Who are the players on a primary care team, from physicians, nurses and other clinicians to behavioral health specialists, pharmacists and care coordinators? How can team members play well together and provide high-quality, comprehensive and equitable care for their patients? Who leads the team, and does leadership shift depending upon the context? What is the latest evidence about what contributes to team effectiveness? This webinar explored these questions and more with a diverse panel of experts on team-based care.
The full slide deck as prepared for the webinar is included on this page as a separate file, especially because during Tony Makarich's presentation, all slides were not shown due to a technical glitch with the webinar broadcasting software.
Links that were provided in the chat during the webinar:
Katherine Hempstead’s (moderator) article (co-author): Neprash, Hannah T. PhD*; Smith, Laura Barrie PhD†; Sheridan, Bethany PhD‡; Hempstead, Katherine PhD§; Kozhimannil, Katy B. PhD* Practice Patterns of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care, Medical Care: October 2020 - Volume 58 - Issue 10 - p 934-941 doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001404
Resources on team-based care from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (These are results from searching for “teamwork”. You can find additional resources by searching with similar terms on that page.)