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Recording of Event: Advanced Primary Care’s Role in Accountable Care Organization Performance

Two panels of thought leaders convened to discuss the clinical and policy implications of the relationship between advanced primary care and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). The research in the 2018 Evidence Report shows the six characteristics of successful ACOs align closely with the Shared Principles of Primary Care.

Presenters and Speakers Include:
  • Ann Greiner, President & Chief Executive Officer—The Primary Care Collaborative

Webinar Recording Available! Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health

Mental Health conditions including mental illness, and substance abuse have become a prevalent issue in this country affecting at least 18% of US adults. Most behavioral health services begin in primary care settings, however traditional reimbursement models are poorly supportive of models that integrate Primary Care and Mental Health, which hinders physician care.   Dr. Bruce Landon, and Dr. Russell Phillips from Harvard Medical School offered their approaches which included two Medicare Payment models entitled the Collaborative Care Model, and the Care Behaviorist Model. Also, Dr.

Webinar Recording: Putting the Medical Home into Practice for Children

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) has become known for generating better outcomes for patients, including children. In the late 1960s, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) developed the medical home model with the goal of delivering better primary care to children and adolescents with special health needs. On this webinar subject matter experts from AAP, Verden Group, and PCC EHR covered the following topics: 

Webinar - Measuring Primary Care Investment: Overcoming Policy and Operational Issues

The panelists on this webinar are thought leaders in work to advance the measurement of primary care spending – at the state, federal and international level. 

Increasing our utilization of primary care will lead to lower costs, higher patient satisfaction, fewer hospitalizations and emergency department visits, and lower mortality. Unfortunately, it is difficult to measure actual primary care spend, which makes it difficult to quantify primary care investment and clearly demonstrate these positive associated outcomes.

The panelists will describe recent work including: 

Peer Support: Enhancing Care for Patients and their Families

This webinar provides an overview of Peer Support services, highlights an organization actively connecting families of children with special needs, and reviews a number of resources available for clinics and families.

Building Partnerships with Patients in Adoption of Choosing Wisely Tools

Hosted by the PCPCC Support & Alignment Network, this webinar will:

1. Explore Choosing Wisely as a strategy for improving care and enhancing patient and family engagement.
2. Learn how implementation of Choosing Wisely effectively engages patients at the point of care and increases shared decision making.
3. Discover how involving patient and family advisors positively impacts implementation of Choosing Wisely tools into your practice. 

Webinar Recording: Transforming Clinical Practice by Supporting Patient and Family Decision Making

This webinar highlighted the work of leading organizations and their efforts to engage patients and families in making smart decisions about their healthcare. The panelists organizations are partnering with PCPCC’s Support and Alignment Network (SAN) to integrate Choosing Wisely into quality improvement activities that support practices enrolled in Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI). 

Overcoming Challenges to Ideal Primary Care

On this webinar, physicians in distinct practice settings shared their strategies to overcome challenges to practicing ideal primary care. These challenges included internal communications issues, care coordination, patient engagement, and supporting high-value outcomes. Participants discussed where these strategies can be successful and where additional solutions are needed.

Oregon's Support for Strong Primary Care Webinar

On this webinar, Evan Saulino, MD, PhD, discussed new legislation in Oregon, passed in July 2017, to double, over a five-year period, the amount of money spent by all Oregon payers on primary care. These additional funds will be channeled into primary care alternative payment models. In addition, Dr. Saulino described innovative work by the Oregon Health Authority Patient-Centered Primary Care Home Program (PCPCH).


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