The University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Residency Program is the largest accredited post-graduate year one (PGY1) pharmacy residency program in the country. It is a university-managed, multi-site model that has enabled expansion of patient-centered medication management practices in primary care clinics across the state. The program currently enrolls 21 pharmacy residents per year and holds affiliation with numerous types of health care institutions including large integrated health systems, federally-qualified health centers, small rural health systems, and a veterans affairs (VA) medical center.
In each organization, pharmacy residents are highly integrated into the services of primary care teams. As a result of this multi-institution engagement, the program is having a broad impact on strengthening Minnesota’s pharmacy workforce while also stimulating advancement of interprofessional collaborations in medication management. All residents are responsible for and evaluated against residency program goals of patient-care, education, practice-based research, and practice management. Residents complete most of their training at a specific host site, but also participate in several program activities such as case conferences, journal club, faculty-led pharmacotherapy sessions, and pharmaceutical care grand rounds. The program also fosters diversity in healthcare settings by serving as an instrument for pharmacy practice development, particularly in underserved urban and rural communities.
Special features of this program include the following:
The residency program has accreditation through the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists.
* Please note: Information contained in this database is self-reported by representatives from each program. It does not represent an exhaustive list of education and training programs and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement from the PCPCC.