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Evidence & Evaluation

The PCC places a large emphasis on the collection and dissemination of evidence on multiple pieces of primary care. The medical home, care team, and payment models are just a few of the topics that PCC has effectively disseminated information about. PCC is committed to research driven, evidence based reform and prides itself on being a hub where patients, providers and payers can go to find high quality information on multiple primary care related topics. 


Glucose Self-monitoring in Non–Insulin-Treated Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care Settings | June 2017
American Psychological Association | , Center for Psychology and Health | September 2018
Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative | July 2017
RTI International | February 2016
This research showed that patient-centered medical home (PCMH) practices had higher continuity of care and lower total costs than non-PCMH practices. The study concluded that care continuity is a great driver of cost reductions.

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Outcomes & Evaluation

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