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Education and Training

Upcoming NHPF Session to Focus Integrating Social Support Services in Care Delivery

2012-10-19 11:45

Breaking Down Silos of Care: Integration of Social Support Services with Health Care DeliveryMany patients with complex chronic illnesses and/or functional impairments face not only managing the medical care necessitated by their conditions, but also finding ways to access supportive services that help them live independently in their homes and communities. Access to supportive services can be difficult for anyone with complex conditions, and social and economic patient characteristics can complicate the task.

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Upcoming Partners in Patient Health: National Coalition on Aging Webinar - Thursday, Sept 20th, 3:00pm ET

2012-09-20 15:00

National Coalition on Aging webinar: How Self-Management Workshops Can Make a Difference for People with Chronic Health ConditionsPlease join us this Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. EST as the National Council on Aging explores the impact of chronic disease in our country. Learn what self-management is and how it can help individuals with chronic disease. Discover how the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program can make a difference.

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AAAHC Seeking Public Input on Revised Standards for 2013 - Ends October 1st

2012-09-28 10:16

AAAHC wants your input on revised Standards for 2013For 2013, we’re proposing significant changes to the AAAHC Accreditation Handbook and the Medical Home On-site Certification Handbook.We’ve substantially rebuilt our core chapters—those that apply to all ambulatory health care organizations—with an eye toward simplifying language, clarifying intent, and eliminating redundancies.

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Upcoming URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Sept 27th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

2012-09-27 14:00

 URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement ProgramThursday, September 27, 2012 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)Webinar - Complimentary This education workshop is offered to health management organizations (HMO), health plans and medical home pilots desiring to provide independent PCHCH practice assessment audits of health care practices. It is designed to review the URAC PCHCH Auditor Certification Standards. These standards include the Core and HIPAA standards, which address several key organizational management functions that are important for any health care organization.

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Upcoming URAC Webinar: Exchange Health Plan Management Functions - Sept 25th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

2012-09-25 14:00

  Exchange Health Plan Management Functions: URAC Accreditation & Quality MeasuresTuesday, September 25, 2012 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)Webinar - Complimentary FOCUSIn this complimentary webinar, URAC will present an overview of its accreditation process and quality measures as they relate to Qualified Health Plans that participate on Health Insurance Exchanges, including how URAC information may be utilized by state insurance regulators and state exchanges.SUMMARYHealth Plan Management includes functions for verifying accreditation and quality measures for Qualified Health Plans.

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Upcoming Time Out for Genetics Webinar - Sept 27th 1:00-1:30pm EDT

2012-09-27 13:00

The next Time Out for Genetics webinar, Genetics and Coding: What the Primary Care Provider Needs to Know will take place on Thursday, September 27 from 12-12:30pm Central. Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at: Thursday, September 2712:00-12:30pm Central1:00-1:30pm Eastern11:00-11:30am Mountain10:00-10:30am Pacific Faculty: Marc Williams, MD, FACMG, FAAP  This educational webinar series is presented by the Genetics in Primary Care Institute (GPCI), a cooperative agreeme

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RWJF Webinar: Insights from Aligning Forces for Quality - Sept 24th 12:30-1:30pm ET

2012-09-24 12:30

September 24 Webinar to Feature National and Local Health Care Leaders Discussing Progress of RWJF Program to Improve Quality of Care in 16 Regions NationwideAligning Forces for Quality is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to lift the overall quality of care in 16 targeted communities. For six years, Aligning Forces communities have worked with local health care stakeholders—the people who give, get and pay for care—to improve their health system.

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PCMH model a success to be reckoned with according to PCPCC report

A new health report released by the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) documents the adoption of the patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) in the U.S.

New Report Outlines Success of PCMH Model in Variety of Public, Private Demonstrations

As more public and private entities adopt the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, the concept is "evolving to better connect and coordinate with the medical neighborhood, including accountable care organizations and other integrated systems of care," according to a new report released by the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC).

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Upcoming NHPF Session to Focus on Patient Engagement - Sept 21st at 12:15pm

2012-09-05 15:22

Technologies, Games, Incentives: Patient Engagement and Cost Containment    EVENT DATE: Friday, September 21, 2012EVENT TIME: 11:45am - 12:15pm Registration & Lunch; 12:15 - 2:00pm DiscussionEVENT LOCATION:  Reserve Officers Association.1 Constitution Avenue, NE. 5th Floor. Washington, DC 20002EVENT DESCRIPTION: Patient engagement has become a kind of rallying cry in health care circles. At times it is invoked in the form of an exhortation to patients: “You need to get involved in your own care!

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