10th Annual CAPG Healthcare Conference

Reform, Innovation and Accountability: The Future is Now

California Association of Physician Groups

Jeudi juin 6, 2013 11:00 am EDT - Dimanche juin 9, 2013 02:00 pm EDT

You are invited to attend CAPG's 10th Annual Healthcare Conference -- Reform, Innovation, Accountability: The Future is Now -- June 6-9 at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. Live. 

How health care is delivered and paid for is changing in ways that require new knowledge and broad perspective. The conference is specially designed to help you succeed during this time of profound transformation in the health care marketplace.

No other meeting you may attend this year will better prepare you for the opportunities and challenges ahead. You'll gain critical insights and behind the scenes intelligence that will inform your decision-making throughout 2013 and beyond. And you'll have fun doing it. 

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