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Financing and Policy Considerations for Medicaid Health Homes for Individuals with Behavioral Health Conditions

SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions

Lundi avr 15, 2013 01:00 pm - 02:30 pm EDT

Financing and Policy Considerations for Medicaid Health Homes for Individuals with Behavioral Health Conditions                   

Date: Monday, April 15, 2013, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT

Webinar Presenters: Alicia Smith, Principal, Health Management Associates and Eliot Fishman, Principal, Health Management Associates

Target Audience: State-level policymakers, community-based providers, and other key stakeholders

During this webinar, participants will learn about:

  1. Overarching financing considerations for states and potential providers of health home services; 
  2. The roles of quality measurement and health information technology (HIT) in states with approved Medicaid health home State Plan Amendments (SPAs); and
  3. Options and considerations for developing reimbursement methodologies and establishing health home payment rates.

Individuals with a serious mental illness or substance use disorder are more likely to have a comorbid chronic condition such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The high rates of comorbidity are often due to limited access to quality primary care and modifiable risk factors such as obesity and smoking. A recently enacted provision of the Affordable Care Act allows states to establish Medicaid health homes, a service delivery model that involves care coordination and related supports for individuals with chronic conditions such as mental and substance use conditions. Seeing this as a valuable opportunity for states to provide comprehensive care to these populations, the SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions engaged Health Management Associates to develop a paper that outlines the key financing and policy considerations for state policymakers and stakeholders who are interested in pursuing a Health Home State Plan Amendment for individuals with serious mental illness and other chronic health conditions. During this webinar, Alicia Smith and Eliot Fishman from Health Management associates will walk through coding and reimbursement information and how they would work for health homes inclusive of mental health and substance use disorder benefits.

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