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January Lunch and Learn Discussion

Jeudi Jan 27, 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Join PCC's January Lunch and Learn discussion!

We are pleased to welcome three speakers to the meeting. During the meeting, Dr. David Grande, Associate Professor from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Dr. Sonal Patil, Clinician-Investigator from the Clevelend Clinic Community Care Institute will present on these two articles and take questions from the audience about the policy and practice implications. In addition, Ashlee Harris, a community health worker at the Penn Center for Community Health Workers, will provide an initial reflection during our discussion of community health workers.

The Lunch and Learn discussion series is part of PCC’s Bridging the Gap in Primary Care Research project, which helps front-line primary care clinicians, consumers, advocates, payers and policymakers identify and share relevant primary care-based research to a variety of audiences. The Lunch and Learn series is a primary dissemination channel to educate primary care stakeholders about the most relevant and actionable primary care research.

Lunch and Learn discussions bring together primary care researchers, advocates, policymakers and others to discuss key findings and policy implications of the most important research selected by PCC's research dissemination workgroup, with the goal of better integrating the research findings into organizational and policy decisions. 

Thank you to our Lunch and Learn Co-chairs for facillitating the discussion.




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