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Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series


Jeudi mar 4, 2021 01:00 pm - 02:30 pm EST

The Primary Care Development Corporation, in collaboration the SAMHSA Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions, is engaging in a year-long virtual initiative focused on addressing sleep and related social and health needs through enhancing integrated primary and behavioral health care. This initiative will include live virtual learning opportunities, free tools and resources, and linkage to experts in the field. An anchor for the year will be a monthly webinar series focused on building foundations and advanced applications of sleep knowledge.

Webinar sessions are 60 minutes each with a follow-on open "office hour" for Q&A with experts and will range in topics including:

  • Foundations in sleep and health outcomes (comorbidity, connection to COVID-19, social determinants of health, and opportunities for integrated care teams)
  • Perspectives of persons with lived experiences (including patients, parents of children with sleep difficulties, older adults)
  • Health disparities and sleep
  • Behavioral assessment and intervention in sleep
  • Medical assessment and intervention in sleep (including OSA, medication, addressing medical comorbidity)
  • Addressing sleep ourselves as healthcare providers (including sleep/work balance, creating sleep-conducive spaces, sharing of experiences, role of sleep in our work, etc.)


Sleep: One Good Night: Experiences of Insomnia for Patients and Families Across the Lifespan

Thursday, March 4, 2021
1p.m to 2:30p.m. ET

Panel style and video presentations focused on lived experiences including perspectives on older adults and parents of children with sleep difficulties.


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