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PCC's September webinar: Primary Care's Got Your Back to School

Primary Care Collaborative

Lundi sep 21, 2020 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm EDT








For many, this year’s back-to-school season during a protracted pandemic is fraught with health risks and questions about student and teacher safety.  Parents and teachers are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus in schools and between schools and homes. Primary care can help families navigate these uncharted waters. This webinar will examine the role of primary care for children in the risk assessment, prevention, and treatment of COVID-19 as well as in addressing related behavioral health needs and inequities in care. The webinar will also consider getting planned vaccinations as well as what might lie ahead during this winter’s flu season.


  • Chip Hart | Consulting group director, PCC Pediatric EHR Solutions
  • Nathaniel Beers, MD, MPA, FAAP | President, HSC Health Care System (Washington, D.C.)
  • Ashraf Affan, MD | President, Angel Kids Pediatrics (Jacksonville, Florida)

Moderator: Sarah Greenough, MPP | Director of Policy, Primary Care Collaborative

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