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Texas Primary Care Consortium

Texas Medical Home Initiative and Texas Health Institute

Jeudi juin 20, 2019 09:00 am EDT - Vendredi juin 21, 2019 05:00 pm EDT
Renaissance Austin Hotel
9721 Arboretum Boulevard
Austin, TX 78759
It’s been six remarkable years since we started on our journey to advance primary care transformation in Texas! We are pleased with the road traveled but know there is much more to do! As a result, we are expanding the focus of our collaboration to address this issue from a systems perspective: Texas Primary Care Consortium! These include but are not limited to identifying and addressing research gaps, building capacity, and informing policy efforts!
With a theme of “Advancing Primary Care Transformation,” this year’s Summit will be June 20-21, 2019 at the Renaissance Austin Hotel.
We are planning a great agenda that will include presentations on the current state of the health home and primary care; using data to achieve results; how to succeed in value-based payment models and updates on ACOs and other models of primary care nationally and in Texas. We are expanding the opportunities for attendees to share their successes and challenges in practice transformation with peers.
We heard your feedback loud and clear: more emphasis on the “how” of practice transformation. The Planning Committee is already hard at work on the agenda.

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