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PFCC.Connect Virtual Discussion: Building and Sustaining a Vibrant PFAC

Institute for Patient and Family-Centered Care

Mercredi Jan 16, 2019 01:00 pm EST

Institute for Patient and Family-Centered Care is offering its first free and informal Virtual Discussion of the new year, which will be held next Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 1 PM ET on Building and Sustaining Vibrant Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs).

Whether in a primary or ambulatory care practice or a hospital setting, inviting patients and families to share their experiences and ideas and participate in improvement activities is a valuable strategy for change. Developing a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is one mechanism to regularly partner with those served by the organization in pursuit of better patient- and family-centered care. How have organizations built meaningful partnerships in their PFAC? What works well to sustain the momentum and deepen the connections? We will discuss and explore ways different organizations are building and sustaining vibrant and meaningful Patient and Family Advisory Councils.

These informal conversations are participatory in nature, building on the experience and strengths of those who join the call. We do not do a presentation but rather let the discussion be guided by what the participants want to learn more about through the sharing of our collective experiences. Come join the conversation to learn from others and to share your successes and challenges. Mary Minniti, Senior Policy and Program Specialist, and Ushma Patel, Director for Special Projects and Educational Programs, will facilitate this discussion.

Register for the discussion here.

If you are interested but unable to attend live, we encourage you to register because all registrants will receive a link to the recording of the discussion after the event. The recording and any resources will also be posted in PFCC.Connect for all members to watch and/or refer back to. If you have further questions, please email me at or Mary Minniti at I hope to talk with you next Wednesday!

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