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PCPCC's Evidence Report Briefing: Advanced Primary Care’s Role in Accountable Care Organization Performance


Mercredi aoû 8, 2018 09:00 am - 11:00 am EDT
Homer Building Hockney/O’Keefe Conference Room
601 13th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

The Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative Presents:

Advanced Primary Care’s Role in Accountable Care Organization Performance

Advanced primary care models and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) strive to improve quality, reduce costs and put the patient at the center of care, but each model evolves separately. New research shows that ACOs that include advanced primary care models are achieving higher quality outcomes and more savings than those that do not. As policymakers continue to look for ways to improve healthcare, incorporating advanced primary care in an ACO environment has the potential to drive positive change.

Please join experts as they debut new research about the insights and future of ACOs. Following this presentation, two panels will convene to discuss the clinical and policy implications of the synergistic relationship between advanced primary care and ACOs.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018
9:00 am – 11:00 am


Homer Building
Hockney/O’Keefe Conference Room

601 13th St NW
Washington, DC  20005


All are welcome to join, but space is limited. To reserve your seat, please contact Camille Ahearn at or (202) 868-4827.


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