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Ravenswood Family Health Center Innovation Project - South County Community Health Center

Program Location: 
San Mateo, CA
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Health Plan of San Mateo
San Mateo County Health System
Nuestra Casa

South County Community Health Center (Ravenswood Family Health Center) in partnership with Health Plan of San Mateo, San Mateo County Health System, and Nuestra Casa, is receiving a CMS Health Care Innovation Award to create a health disparities collaborative for over 19 thousand people with diabetes in a multi-cultural, high-risk, high-cost population in southeast San Mateo County, California. This project will train a multi-cultural staff that will, in a responsive and culturally appropriate manner, support and motivate patients to follow and adhere to evidence-based care plans. These care managers will also provide assistance in overcoming barriers to obtaining services with estimated savings of over $6 million. Over the three-year period, South County Community Health Center program will train an estimated 60 health care workers and create an estimated 28.8 new jobs. These trained, multi-cultural workers will support patient-center medical teams by coordinating care for patients.

Last updated March 2014
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