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Intel Connected Care

Program Location: 
Rio Rancho, NM
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 

Together, Presbyterian Healthcare Services and Intel have partnered to design a healthcare experience with a team-based approach to care delivery. Presbyterian primary care physicians and nurse practitioners will coordinate the services patients including services that require a specialist. The patient’s entire Medical Home care team will be located at Presbyterian Medical Group clinic. These team members may include: a pharmacist clinician, behavioral health clinician, diabetes educator, case manager, nurses and medical assistants, clinic support staff, or a physician assistant. 

Payment Model: 

The program's per-member per-month cost baseline is based on data validated through an underwriting analysis. Eligible claimes will be tied to performance. The program offers shared risks and savings for results above and below a designated threshold. Care is paid for by a claim, but with risk and accountability built in. Presbyterian Health Plan processes the claims. 

Last updated June 2014
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