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CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Award - Delaware

Program Location: 
Dover, DE
Payer Type: 

Delaware is using its $35 million State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Award to transform its health care system with ambitious goals for improving health care for Delawareans and improving the sustainability of the health care system. Click here for the Delware's State Health Care Innovation Plan. The program's goals are supported by a broad set of stakeholders who are committed to making real and lasting change - including physicians, hospitals, other health providers, insurers, businesses, consumer advocates and the education and research community.  Delaware plans to build upon a strong local foundation through a system-level transformative healthcare plan that can serve as a scalable model for the nation. Through a collaborative planning process, Delaware will design a model to accelerate the adoption of payment and service delivery models across public and private payers; enhance health data collection and analytic capacity to support care coordination and outcomes-based payment models; and integrate workforce planning, behavioral health and public health initiatives.  Guiding principles for the program include:

  • Develop a health care transformation strategy that is multi-payer and multi-stakeholder and focuses on achieving the "Triple Aim"
  • Be one of the leading states in innovation and impact
  • Achieve measurable results in three years through practical and  implementable goals
  • Meet the near term objective of developing the State Health Care Innovation Plan while focusing on the primary goal of transforming Delaware's health care
  • Focus on the best interests of all Delawareans and respect the voice of consumers
  • Have no "sacred cows"
  • Learn and make use of best practice examples from other states and countries where possible
  • Focus on getting to a practical plan

For more information, see the Delaware project narrative.

Last updated July 2015
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