Rhode Island intends to build upon its successful foundation of patient-centered medical homes to transform its health care system into a health care system organized around patients, with improved community health as its goal, which is firmly rooted in a strong and diverse primary care system. The model will leverage the opportunities provided by the state's Health Benefits Exchange and Medicaid initiatives. Planning activities will facilitate a multi-stakeholder process to review current state payment and delivery system reform initiatives; identify data sources and baseline data for outcomes measures and financial analysis; and identify policy lever changes available and needed to effectuate the State Health Care Innovation Plan. The resulting plan will define strategy and mechanisms for moving Rhode Island's health care delivery system to a value-driven, community-based, and patient centered system.
CMMI will be funding efforts to implement a subset of the proposed system transformations identified in the State Healthcare Innovation Plan. Over the next 48 months, the Rhode Island will receive up to $20 million to implement and test its State Health Care Innovation Plan.
For more information, see the Rhode Island project narrative.