As states design and implement multi-payer payment reform initiatives, extensive collaboration with and buy-in from payers and providers is necessary. States must engage with these groups as partners to determine the value of adopting a payment reform model, and stakeholders must align around key features such as payment methodology, quality measures, and implementation processes on the ground. What better way to gather insight on this engagement process and the roles of providers and payers than to hear from them directly?
Join us to hear Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH and Barbara Brandt, PhD discuss a new publication the PCPCC is releasing on Dec. 11 that focuses on interprofessional primary care training. The publication takes a deeper dive into seven exemplary programs that train medical students, residents, nurse practitioners, nurses, physician assistants, social workers, psychologists, and other health professionals for work in patient-centered medical homes.
Primary care practices across the US are facing a number of important challenges right now; prominent among them is doing a much better job at recognizing and helping patients with behavioral health issues. The operative term for this is “integration” – a notion that ranges from, at minimum, co-locating behavioral health services and counselors in primary care settings; to, at best, everyone on staff having greater training and skills to detect and address the mental health and behavioral challenges that may be impacting a patient’s health.
What happens when Peer Support is added to the care delivery transformation process at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)? In this webinar, we will explore benefits and challenges Alivio Medical Center in Chicago experiences while implementing population health and care management best practices.
As providers look to leverage the power of technology to extend their reach by automating communications with their patient populations, they need to keep in mind how well communication can and should be executed. With new tools needed for managing population health, proactively communicating and interacting with patients must be managed with care and by validating the quality and completeness of care delivery.
Families for Depression Awareness is presenting a free, 1-hour Coping with Stress and Depression webinar on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 PM ET / 4:00 PM PT. Designed for adults, family caregivers, human resources managers, and employee assistance program professionals, the webinar covers
Join the PCPCC Center for Care Delivery and Integration on Thursday, October 23rd at Noon ET to learn how two very different primary care practices approached their transformation to a patient-centered medical home and employed new strategies to improve outcomes for their patients, especially those with diabetes. These practices are among the 52 practices in the Maryland Multi-payer PCMH Pilot (MMPP), which Discern administers for the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC).
The momentum for transformation of primary care into a patient-centered medical home is growing in leaps and bounds. Join us for this hour-long seminar to explore how effective partnerships with patients and families can be a powerful catalyst for change in the patient and provider experience. Hear about practical examples and the tools used to identify solutions and new ways of working together. Both promising practices and the challenges of advancing the practice of patient- and family-centered care in primary care will be discussed.
Janet Marchibroda, Executive Director of the CEO Council on Health and Innovation at the Bipartisan Policy Center is joining the PCPCC's National Briefing next Thursday to discuss the report, Building Better Health: Innovative Strategies from America’s Business Leaders - A Report from the CEO Council on Health and Innovation.