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New Training Program: Children's Emotional HealthLink

Mardi Jan 22, 2013 11:12 am EST

<p>Mastering Pediatric Care in the Age of Healthcare Reform: Thriving in a Patient-Centered ModelWhat Happens after the Behavioral Health Screening in an Accountable Care World?We are pleased to invite your participation in a skills training program, that evidence shows will enhance your ability to evaluate and manage emotional and psychosocial problems commonly seen in pediatric practice with children, adolescents and their families.&nbsp; Pediatricians, family physicians, other physicians who care for children, and pediatric nurse practitioners are invited to attend twelve monthly meetings and one special training session, beginning in March 2013.A practice model based on office visit experience:The objective of the Children&#39;s Emotional HealthLink (CEHL) training model is to improve the delivery of children&#39;s emotional and psychosocial health through an innovative approach to physician-patient communication. This course encourages practitioners to be active and innovative, focusing on developing trust rather than focusing only on pathology.&nbsp; We promote relationships with parents, where important issues in the life of the family can surface and be discussed, including family systems/dynamics, depression, professional boundaries and ethical dilemmas, the teenage brain, and others.&nbsp; We will teach a framework for effective communication skills and interpersonal relationships, and address a range of developmental and diagnostic issues relevant to behavioral health in an Accountable Care model.Program BenefitsEnhance your skills with pediatric patients and their families including making care more patient-centered, reliable, accessible and safeLearn the skills of psychosocial interviewing and collaborative care models, as mandated by the ACO/PCMH guidelines.Learn the art of the mental health referral and become familiar with comprehensive behavioral health resourcesAn opportunity to interact with and to discuss challenging cases with colleaguesSpecial training on &ldquo;Difficult Conversations in Primary Care Pediatrics&rdquo; at Boston Children&rsquo;s Hospital Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice35.5 CME credits (AMA category 1) Risk Management study credits applied for.&nbsp;TIME AND LOCATIONMonthly meetings:&nbsp; 12 meetings scheduled on a Tuesday evening once a month from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Dinner will be served at 5:30 pm. The program starts on March 12, 2013 and will run through February 2014.&nbsp; The monthly meetings will be held at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Newton, MA (easy access and parking).Participants will also participate in a special 5.5-hour PERCS (Program to Enhance Relational and Communication Skills) training, &quot;Difficult Conversations in Primary Care Pediatrics,&quot; designed especially for pediatric primary care practitioners, and developed and presented by the Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice at Boston Children&#39;s Hospital, at a time to be arranged.The program cost is $1200.00 ($34 per CME) for a year-long course, meeting one time per month for 3 hours and including an additional 5.5 hour training.35.5 CME credits (AMA Category 1, risk management credits) applied for.&nbsp;APPLICATIONFor more information about the Course, please go to: brochure: application form: application deadline is February 15, 2013.For more information about CEHL, please go to: If you have questions, please contact:&nbsp; Howard King, MD, MPH: howieking@aol.comVisit us on Facebook.Space is limited to 20 participants.&nbsp;FACULTYElizabeth A. Rider, MSW, MD, FAAPDirector of Academic Programs,Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice, Boston Children&#39;s HospitalDirector of Programs for Communication Skills,Stoeckle Center for Primary Care Innovation, Massachusetts General HospitalAssistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolCo-Chair, Medicine Academy, National Academies of PracticeCo-author, A Practical Guide to Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Core Competencies&nbsp;Howard S. King, MD, MPH, FAAPFounder, Children&#39;s Emotional HealthLink (CEHL)Mass. Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Children&#39;s Mental Health Task ForceAdvisory Committee on Continuing Medical and Professional Education,Harvard School of Public HealthClinical Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolRecipient, Community Service and Training Award, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology&nbsp;Julia Swartz, MSW, LICSW, CEISSupervising Social WorkerClinical Director, Compass Medical Behavioral HealthMember, BCBS Behavioral Health Provider Advisory CouncilFormer Faculty, Patient-Doctor III course, Harvard Medical SchoolPresenter, NASW Symposium, &ldquo;Patient-Centered Medical Home: What is it and how does it work?&rdquo;</p>

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