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NCQA Seminar: Improving Organizational Performance - July 11, 2012

Mercredi jui 11, 2012 05:20 pm EDT

July 11, 2012 | Washington, D.C.About the Program Does your organization need some fresh strategies to improve quality outcomes? If so, attend this seminar to learn how to identify barriers and overcome obstacles by implementing effective interventions to achieve better results. This program focuses on using the quality improvement process to engage the patient, health plan and provider. A representative from HHS, The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will discuss how electronic health records (EHRs) can support provider decision making along with improving patient participation and preventative care. As an attendee, you will receive a complimentary copy of NCQA’s publication, Quality Profiles: The Leadership Series – Focus on Patient Engagement. NCQA’s quality improvement standards will not be reviewed but come with a basic understanding of your organization’s quality improvement process and if known, its internal barriers to obtaining optimal results.This program has a very limited enrollment so register early to secure your seat!  A seat is not secured until payment is received and processed by NCQA.Seminar Hours:8:30 a.m. -- 4:30 p.m.Registration is from 8:10 -- 8:30 a.m.Continental breakfast and lunch will be served.     

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